Reminder to all crew members. Renewing your membership is a way of giving your consent to belong to STARFLEET International.
This does not mean that we want your money, it is used for the maintenance of the websites and for different charitable acts. Our particular interest is that we become as big a family as possible and enjoy a dream where everyone without distinction is one family. Enjoying a hobby, whether through the Academy or participating in the different departments, makes us all learn from each other.
Each and every one of the crew members of the ship is a valuable asset, because you are the reason and the motive that gives meaning and shape to the ship in its different departments. Therefore, I ask you to participate in the different channels, as well as in the ship’s Web.
Remember that we are all the ship and everyone is valuable. Remember that to take the Academy courses you must have your membership up to date, taking the courses is valued as an activity of the ship.
Thank you for your attention.
CMDR Segura XO of the USS Andalucía NCC-74657
First mission of the starship USS Andalucia NCC-74657
First mission of the starship USS Andalucia NCC-74657 Crew, we cast off. Helmsman a quarter thrust negative................., tack to starboard sixty degrees and two thirds thrust positive. Crew; This is the first mission of our ship, our destination is the Kazar...
Sorpresa en la enfermería
Esta mañana me han despertado con urgencia, habíamos recibido una señal de auxilio de una nave de carga. Cuando nos aproximamos al lugar del accidente la nave había impactado con un asteroide. El asteroide es bastante grande, es totalmente rocoso y estéril. Aunque su...
Bitácora del CMDRJ.J Segura a bordo de la USS Andalucia NCC-74657 Fecha estelar 202212.13
Bitácora del CMDRJ.J Segura a bordo de la USS Andalucia NCC-74657 Fecha estelar 202212.13 Llevamos tres días parados, pese a que el impulso de la nave es mínimo por los efectos gravitacionales del espacio, los sistemas comienzan a fallar, desviando energía de sistemas...
Información desde la enfermería
óPuesto que estamos cercanos a llegar a nuestro próximo destino, y ya que es un planeta muy caluroso, desde la enfermería queremos recordaros algunas cosas para protegeros del calor. Junto con el Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería hemos creado una pequeña subrutina...
Log of CMDR J.J. Segura of USS Andalucia NCC-74657
Remembering times past Cmdr Segura Log of LtCmdr J.J. Segura, captain of the USS Challenger NCC-71099 We find ourselves at war with the Dominion. Space Station 9 (DS9) is defenseless. The Dominion has allied itself with the Romulans and the...
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry was the first and iconic voice of the computer, omnipresent in Star Trek. Google revealed in 2017 that their early tests with a real voice were codenamed "Majel" in her honor. Behind fiction, science was always hidden. And today, that...
Welcome on board
Welcome to the USS Andalucia, where our community is united by a shared passion for the exploration of the final frontier. As proud members of STARFLEET International, we are part of a global network of like-minded individuals dedicated to the ideals of Star Trek and the spirit of camaraderie. This space serves as a nexus for enthusiasts, offering a platform to connect, share experiences, and foster a sense of belonging within the larger STARFLEET community. Join us in celebrating the enduring legacy of Star Trek and the collaborative journey toward a future inspired by its principles. Live long and prosper!
chapter uss andalucia NCC – 74657
Embark on an adventure of a lifetime by joining the crew of the USS Andalucia! As we navigate the uncharted realms of the galaxy, we invite enthusiasts, explorers, and dedicated individuals to become a part of our stellar community.
Whether you’re a seasoned officer or a cadet eager to learn, there’s a place for you aboard our Intrepid Class starship. Join us in the pursuit of knowledge, camaraderie, and the spirit of exploration. Together, we’ll boldly go where no one has gone before. The USS Andalucia welcomes you—engage with us and be a part of shaping the future among the stars!